01/05/22 by Topeka Metro
Public Meeting Notice: January 12, 13 & 18, 2022
TOPEKA, KAN. (January 5, 2022) -- Topeka Metro is hosting public meetings on January 12, 13 and 18 to educate passengers and others regarding upcoming proposed system-wide service reductions as the result of workforce shortages. Over the last several years it has become increasingly more difficult to recruit and maintain bus operators. This has been the experience both regionally and nationally. Recent examples of this were experienced last fall by our local schools and again a few weeks ago by our fellow transit providers in Lawrence.
Until recently, Topeka Metro has had an adequate workforce. However, during the last two years, COVID-19 has dramatically changed our economy and ultimately our employment. Many of our local businesses are experiencing these same employment issues. However, the difference between our service and many of these businesses is that we provide a critical link to jobs, medical facilities, schools and shopping and it is a link that must be delivered on the hour and close to the minute. The lack of adequate bus operators jeopardizes our ability to operate on a consistent and reliable basis.
Further details regarding the public meetings can be located by clicking this link for the public notice. Topeka Metro will also have information on our social media channels Facebook and Twitter.